Monday, October 26, 2020

How Does Micro Switch Work In Emergency Stop Buttons?

 How Does Micro Switch Work In Emergency Stop Buttons?

The functions of a micro switch are so vast that most people do not understand or know all of them. For instance, these switches can be used in powering devices like washing machines, security cameras, air conditioner units and many others. Despite all of these, companies are researching more ways that a micro switch can be put to more uses. The aim is to ensure users are able to experience high level of comfort while using such devices and appliances. 

Although micro switches are very popular, it is important to know that there are some certain aspects that most users of electronic devices are yet to really understand about them. For instance, most people usually argue whether micro switches are installed in emergency stop buttons. There are those on the other hand, who do not believe that these switches are included in such buttons let alone knowing how they work. 

The major aim of this post is to reveal how a micro switch has been designed to work in an emergency stop button. In case you have got any of these buttons, it is recommended to read the details below from beginning to the end. It will be revealing everything you need to know about micro switches and emergency stop buttons with regards to how the former works. 

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What is an emergency stop button?

Just as the name sounds, this button has one major objective. This is the ability to control emergency situations. They can be found in different environments/settings like hospitals, construction site, schools and more. Emergency stop buttons are used to stop situations that may appear to be hazardous to people. The problem is that when these buttons are mentioned, most people will be of the opinion that they special buttons which have been designed to meet special needs. 

The truth is that emergency buttons are not special in any way. This is because they are like any other button you must have seen in the past. As a matter of fact, a conventional stop button can be used to function as emergency stop button. The only difference is that they are mostly needed during situations that require emergency to ensure safety of lives and property. 

A typical example of an emergency button is when there is a fire outbreak in a building. Once the alarm is triggered, there can also be an emergency button to alert people about what is going on. The functions of an emergency button are almost limitless. The only thing you should rather be concerned about is how a micro switch works in them.     

What you have to understand 

The first thing you should know about these buttons is the fact that without a micro switch, they will not function as expected. Also, emergency stop buttons can either work in an automatic or manual way. These cannot be possible without the effectiveness of a micro switch. For instance, for such stop button to work in an automatic manner, the micro switch can act as a sensor or detector. By this, it can detect when certain changes have occurred and respond accordingly.   

Have you ever seen how an automatic alarm system works? In this system, no button needs to be pressed by anyone. Instead the, system is activated once fire is detected. It is the micro switch which detects or senses fire outbreak and sends signal to the other components of such device. In this case, the alarm will start producing sounds once the emergency button gets activated. The process will stop automatically through the stop button being activated automatically.  

Talking about manual, it means the stop button works once pressed by someone. In such an instance, it is expected to work or activate without being operated by someone. It means that for flow of current to stop, there has to be someone pressing the emergency button. The same can also be said of when the system needs to be activated. It needs to be operated by someone for current to either stop or continue flowing. 

Generally speaking, it can be said that emergency stop buttons usually function in two ways based on how they have been designed. These are manual or automatic. It should be noted that most stop buttons are automatic. 

How does a micro switch work?

The way that micro switches work in emergency stop buttons is quite easy to understand. Just as said above, these buttons are existing to ensure the flow of current is interrupted especially during times of emergency. In other words, they will help to determine whether current flows into a device or not. These buttons function via the closed and open contacts of a micro switch. Through contact points like these, current can either flow or be interrupted in a system. 

The open contact is when there is electricity flow in a device. When the emergency stop button gets activated, the micro switch will maintain an open contact position. This is means the device or system has been stopped from working due to an emergency like fire outbreak, malfunctioning of a machine or something else. 

On other hand, there is every tendency for the stop button to be deactivated. In such case, the system, device or machine will start working again. This is made possible by the closed contact position. It is the point whereby there is flow of current/electricity. At this point, the emergency stop button has been deactivated. This means it is not working as explained above. The micro switch plays a crucial role to detect when open or closed contact position needs to be maintained in the emergency stop button.  

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Having seen the above, it is obvious that emergency stop buttons are installed in systems to interrupt the flow of current. However, it can also be seen that such functionality is not possible without the presence of a micro switch in them. This usually happens through its closed and open contact as explained above. It is recommended to observe how these buttons work in systems to have an in-depth understanding.  

For more about emergency stop buttons micro switch,you can pay a visit to china micro switch limit switch manufacturer Unionwell at for more info.

Reference Sites:

What Is Normally Closed And Normally Open In Basic Micro Switch?

 What Is Normally Closed And Normally Open In Basic Micro Switch?

One of the benefits of a micro switch is the fact that it can function as a detector. In such a case, it helps detect or sense the changes that are taking place within the components of a device or appliance. When this occurs, there is likely to be the flow or stoppage of current/electricity. It all depends on the changes that have been detected over a given period of time. Also, micro switches are known for their ability to carry out manual functions. This could be through push buttons and other forms of buttons in devices and electrical appliances. 

It is important to understand that all of the functions and roles which have been mentioned above cannot happen without some components at work. This is especially true of normally closed and normally open in micro switches. The major challenge has been the fact most people do not understand how these contact points or components work in a micro switch. In case you do not know, having an in-depth understanding about their functionalities can make all the difference. This is because you will know of the most effective ways to use them for your electrical projects. 

The good part about all of these is the fact that you have come to the right place. This post will be revealing some details about normally closed and normally open in a micro switch. 

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What is normally closed? 

In every micro switch, you should always expect to find this contact point. It is that point where current is allowed to flow into a device or electrical appliance. The normally closed positions are usually set in motion through a process known as actuation. Do not worry as there is nothing technical about this process. It only involves pressing the switch for normally closed to be activated. 

There are lots of electrical devices as well as appliances that make use of micro switches. Without a normally closed, it will be difficult to determine their next line of actions. For instance, when the button of a washing machine gets pressed, it will start working right? That is a typical example of normally closed position at work. At such point, electrical components such as wires are making physical contacts between one another. Of course, you know that in such a situation, the appliance will be powered as expected.  

Another typical example of normally closed contact in micro switch is when it gets used to power a bulb. This one is easier to understand as such bulb can either be turned on or off. Once you press the switch, the switch can be said to be maintaining a normally closed position. At such point, there is current flow to have the bulb turned on. This is as simple as it sounds. 

What is normally open?

Once you have understood normally closed which has been explained above in details, normally open becomes easier to know. The reason is simple since it is a contact point which tends to work in opposite direction. Simply put, a micro switch can be said to be maintaining a state of normally open when there is no flow of current. In this case, the device or electrical appliance is not working. It is usually called a resting or default state of a micro switch. This means the state whereby the permission of electricity or current flow has not been given. 

It is the stage whereby actuation has not taken place. In the case of the washing machine example above, it is possible to press the power button again in order to have it turned off. In such case, it can be said to be maintaining a normally open position since current is not flowing across its components. 

The same thing can also be said about the bulb. Once it is turned on, you can press the button again to have it turned off. Again, this is a normally open position or “resting state”. When it comes to normally closed and normally open in micro switches there is one simple way to understand how they function. This is the fact that the former (normally closed) makes a device or appliance to work. The latter (normally open) stops the device from working.  

More facts about normally open and normally closed

The normally closed and normally open functions of a micro switch can either happen manually or in an automated manner. Manually means that there needs to be a push button which will be pressed for the contact position to become “Normally Open” or “Normally Closed”. This is typical of the bulb example given above. As the button is pressed, the bulb can either be turned on or off. It is also the same for the power button in washing machines where micro switches are used. In such case, it will neither get turned on or off unless the button is pressed. These are the manual ways that micro switches have been built to work. 

The automated way is a situation when it senses changes in an application and gets the normally closed or normally open position activated. In this instance, everything happens without you needing to press a button. This can be seen in the way that headlights are being powered by micro switches in cars. The driver does not have to bother about when the lights will be turned on or off. All of these processes are handled by micro switch automatically. 

It can detect when the day is getting darker. In such case, it will get the normally closed contact activated automatically. This will enable current to power the lights. On the other hand, when the day is getting brighter, it will detect such and activate the normally open contact. This will make the headlights to be turned off.   

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Having seen the above, it is obvious that normally open and normally closed are two different parts of a micro switch. There is no micro switch that does not need them to function properly. Please note that sometimes, they are designated as “NC” and “NO” in such switches.  

For more about basic micro switch,you can pay a visit to china micro switch manufacturer Unionwell at for more info.

Reference Sites:

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Does Micro Switch Carry Out Similar Function As Rocker Switch?

 Does Micro Switch Carry Out Similar Function As Rocker Switch?

There have been lots of arguments about micro switches and rocker switches amongst users in recent times. Most people usually assume that both are one and the same which is not true in any way. As a matter of fact, rocker switches and micro switches have been built or developed for different purposes by companies. Failure to understand this fact will make you spend money purchasing the wrong type of switch since it cannot meet your needs. It has been discovered that most people buy micro switches when they are supposed to purchase rocker switches or the other way round. 

Are you amongst the people who have been mentioned above? Do you know that there are implications for lack of proper understanding about rocker switches and micro switches? There is no need to be bothered though. This is because you will soon find out what makes both switches different. This post will be revealing in-depth details about them including how they are used. The difference between rocker switches and micro switches is not that obvious. This is because both have been designed to carry out roles or functions that are almost similar. 

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What is a micro switch? 

micro switch is usually installed in devices to regulate the flow of current amongst components. It is also known as snap-action switch due to how it has been designed to function. For instance, you will have to press the switch in order to trigger the flow of electricity amongst components of a device. Without the presence of a micro switch in most applications and appliances today, it will be difficult for them to perform optimally. The reason for this is quite simple to understand since micro switches go beyond just getting electrical appliances powered. 

They are also known to automate how these devices function. By automation, we simply mean the process of carrying out certain roles without the help of anyone. This is probably one of the reasons why micro switches have become very popular in recent times amongst other types of switches you will come across in the market. 

For instance, they can help to detect changes in a sliding door to either open or close. It all depends on the buttons that have been pressed. Of course, you must have seen doors that close without someone having to come in physical contact with them. As you are getting closer to them, they will open or close on their own. This is typical of elevators.  

What is a rocker switch?

A rocker switch is almost the same as micro switch which has been explained above. In other words, they are used to switch appliances on/off. They are usually referred to as toggle switches given their designs. Users only need to get them toggled to a particular direction in order for devices to start working as expected. Just like micro switches, they can also determine how current flows to components in an appliance. Their major function in these appliances is to ensure power surge problems are completely avoided. 

Also, they can be used to determine how an appliance will work over a given period of time. For instance, all you have to do is press the switch in order to have it powered on or off. Some of the appliances you will usually find rocker switches are stabilizers, generators, and wall sockets. Although they are not as popular as micro switches, they are used all over the world to regulate the functionalities of most appliances. 

Unlike micro switches, it should be noted that rocker switches are not automated. In other words, they have not been designed to detect the changes which happen in devices and appliances. This is probably one of the areas where they have proven to be very different as compared to micro switches. 

More details on their differences

Automation is one obvious aspect where micro switches seem to be different from rocker switches. The former have the ability to make devices and appliances work in an automated way. This is typical of washing machines which are known to help out in the laundry work. However, such could not have been done effectively without the installation of micro switches in them. For instance, they are known to carry out detective roles in such applications. This could be in the form of checking water level to know whether it is okay or not. They can also check whether the door of a washing machine is closed or not. 

There are even some cars which make use of micro switches to detect whether doors are closed properly or not. When this happens, they send messages to the dashboard which the driver can interpret and make the right decision. They can also detect whether the daylight is bright enough or not. Such detection makes it possible for them to have the headlights turned on automatically.

Rocker switches on the other hand, are not known to enable automatic functions in a device or appliance. Instead, they are used in manually controlling such applications. You can see them as traditional switches unlike micro switches which tend to offer users much more functionalities and features. 


What are their similarities?

Having talked about the differences between micro switches and rocker switches, it is high time we discussed their similarities. There is only one aspect where these two switches seem to be similar. This has to do with how they tend to regulate the flow of current in appliances. For instance, both have “normally closed” and ‘normally open” contact points. 

It is through these contact points that current can either flow to various components in an application or stop flowing. “Normally Closed” for instance, ensures flow of current while “Normally Open” does not.   

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Based on the above, it can be seen that there is a clear difference between a rocker switch and micro switch. Ensure you considered details about their functionalities as well as features before deciding on which one to make use of in your electrical appliance. Overall, it can be said that micro switches are more advanced.  

For more about micro switch and rocker switch,you can pay a visit to china micro switch limit switch manufacturer Unionwell at for more info.

Reference Sites:

Friday, October 23, 2020

Can Micro Switches Be Used In Push Button?

  Can Micro Switches Be Used In Push Button?

There is something most people do not understand about switches in appliances and devices. This is the fact that they are easy to make use of when you know how they have been designed to function. Micro switch is not an exception to this. It is the reason why you need to always make the needed attempts to know how this switch in terms of functionalities. In other words, you need to know the various ways that a micro switch functions. It is the only way to get the best out of its potentials. 

Talking about understanding micro switches and their functionalities, there is one aspect that most people seem to be lagging behind at the moment. This is whether micro switches can be included in push buttons. As simple as this subject may sound, it can determine the extent to which you will make use of such switches in the most effective manner. 

In case you are one of these people, there is no need bothering about such a subject matter. This post will be revealing whether micro switches can be used in push buttons or not. All you have to do is read the details carefully from start to finish. 

Micro Switch Supplier 1 (36)

What is a push button? 

This is a switch button which is used in controlling a system. It could be an alarm system bulb or any other device. The primary aim of a push button is to control how current tends to flow in such system. Have you ever seen a system that needs to be activated through the use of a switch? Do you know that such is a typical example of a push button in action? The aim of push button switches like micro switch is to ensure that electricity flow is controlled in a device. 

Without these switches in place, there will be constant flow of current in a device or appliance. For instance, there will not be any way through which its users can control how power or current flows to the different components each time. Simply put, push button switches are installed for one reason. This is to ensure proper regulation of electricity flow in appliances and devices. 

They may be small when installed in these devices but can prove to be very powerful. This is because they have the power to control other major components. Of course, a component in any device is useless without the flow of current to power it. This is where push buttons are useful.    

Can micro switches function as push buttons?

This is a very important question given that it can determine how you make use of a micro switch over the course of time. It can even determine electrical projects whereby micro switches can be used. Of course, micro switches can play the role of push buttons. It is one major characteristic that people are yet to discover about these switches. It is true that micro switches can help devices function or work in an automated way. This happens through their ability to sense or detect changes in devices.  

However, such is not the only function or role of micro switches. Instead, they can also be seen as push button switches. In this case, they are not automated as users need to press buttons in order to get them activated. Do you have a device with buttons which need to be pressed in order for power to start flowing? There is every chance that such is being powered by the help of a micro switch being present in the form of push button. 

It is called push button because the user only needs to push a button once and there will be flow of current. Once it is pushed again, current will no longer flow. This means the device/appliance has been switched off.    

Some typical examples

Are you still having problem understanding how micro switches play the role of push buttons in devices to perfection? There is no need racking your brains any further as this section will be explaining some examples to help enhance your understanding about how these switches work in push buttons. 

Washing machines

There are lots of functions or roles that micro switches play in washing machines. For instance, they can ensure that water level is properly detected. Of course, without the right water level, it will be difficult for such appliance to function effectively. Also, it is through a micro switch that door status will be detected. In other words, it checks whether the door is open or closed. Again, you know that washing machines do not function effectively with their doors open. 

The above are all the automated functions or roles of micro switches. They carry out these functions without the help of anyone. However, the manual function can be found in some washing machines which is their power button. In case you do not know, that is a typical example of push button switch. Users only need to push the button and current will begin to flow to the various components. 

Alarm system 

Alarm systems are another typical example of how micro switches work in push buttons. For instance, after fire has been detected, there are some that users need to push a button before the alarm will start producing sound for people to be aware of what is going on. This is a typical example of a push button at work. 

The button is pressed just once and current is allowed to flow amongst the various components of such alarm. This makes it to produce a sound continuously in order to create the right awareness within such building. It should be noted that there are some alarm systems which are automated. That is to say, there will not be any push button in place. Instead, everything happens automatically.   

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Based on the above, there is one clear fact that needs to be understood. This has to do with push buttons being another way that micro switches function in appliances and devices.  

For more info about micro switch,you can pay a visit to china micro switch limit switch manufacturer Unionwell at for more info.

Reference sites:

Thursday, October 22, 2020

What Is The Difference Between Micro Switch And Pressure Switch?

 What Is The Difference Between Micro Switch And Pressure Switch?

There has been lots of arguments about micro switch and pressure switch. Most people believe that both are the same. In the same vein, there are those who feel both switches are different in lots of regards. The truth is that having an understanding about both switches will do you a lot of good. For instance, such knowledge can help you know which of the switches to make use of in an electrical project. 

The truth is that micro switch and pressure switch are different in terms of functionalities and features. In case you have been trying to know the areas that they are different, ensure to read the details of this post from start to finish. It will be revealing clear details about the difference between a pressure switch and micro switch. 

After checking out the details below, one fact will stand out. This has to do with your improved knowledge about whether to use a pressure switch or micro switch in a given project. In other words, there will no longer be any guesswork about which of these switches to include since you already understand how both have been designed to function. Let us get on to the main details below. 

Micro Switch Supplier 1 (6)

What is a micro switch?

A micro switch is a device that is used to control how current/electricity can flow amongst the various components of a device. It is referred to as a snap-action switch. This is because once pressed, there is change of position which triggers some activities or features in a device/appliance. After some time, it will snap back to its position. It can be seen as a switch which has been installed in appliances and devices to ensure proper regulation of power at different periods of time. 

Just like every technology which has come into existence in recent times, it is important to note that the functions of a micro switch has evolved over the years. For instance, it is not just about regulating flow of electricity as this can either be done in an automatic or manual way. The manual way happens in the form of a push button. The automatic functionalities are carried out through its ability to sense and detect changes in a device. 

Without the use of micro switches, there are devices that will not work as expected. In other words, they will not function up to an optimal level. However, these switches carry out a lot of regulation to ensure such appliances are functioning in the most effective manner. Please keep in mind that micro switch only permit the flow of current into components thereby allowing accessories to be powered at different periods of time.    

What is a pressure switch?

A pressure switch is quite different from a micro switch as you will soon find out. These switches are just like they sound in terms of their functionalities. Simply put, pressure switches are aimed at detecting the amount of pressure in a system after which an action will be triggered. Pressure switches are installed in most appliances to detect whether a preset amount of pressure has been reached. There are two ways to look at these switches in relation to pressure they detect or sense. These could be rise and fall of pressure within an appliance. 

In other words, they can detect whether pressure has risen or fallen to a particular level in an appliance. Just like any other switch, it is important to note that pressure switches have some major functions. For instance, they are installed in appliances to ensure there is no problem of breakdown while working. They achieve such feat through having to regulate the way such electrical appliances work. 

For instance, they will stop the appliance from working once the amount of pressure has reached its highest point. On the other hand, they can make the appliance start working once the pressure has been detected to drop below a particular level. As a matter of fact, most appliances will be dangerous to make use of without pressure switches being included in them. This is because they can explode as a result of excessive pressure. 

Examples of appliances that use micro switch and pressure switch 

It can be seen that micro switches and pressure switches are different based on how they have been explained above. In order to boost your understanding further, some appliances that use both of them will be explained below. 

Micro switch appliances 

Washing machine

Micro switches can be found in washing machines. They check whether water level is too high or low. Also, they can check whether the door is open or closed. Finally, micro switches are included in the power buttons in such appliances. They help to ensure current flow into the components of these appliances. 


In case you do not know, micro switches are included in automobiles (cars). One of their most popular functions is playing the role of detecting whether headlights need to be turned on/off. This process happens automatically through their sensor ability.   

Pressure switch applications 

For proper understanding, we will be looking at water pumping machine which makes use of pressure switch. Of course, these switches are important in such machines given that pressure is needed for water to be pumped. Just as said above, it helps to detect when water pressure has reached a particular level. 

You must have noticed some pumping machines stopping after water has been pumped for some time. This is not due to a fault developed. Instead, it is as a result of a pressure switch ensuring pressure does not exceed its highest point since something can go wrong.  

Another instance where you will find pressure switch at work is water heater. When the water is heated to a particular temperature, it stops automatically. This is controlled by a pressure switch. 

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Having read the above, it is very obvious that pressure switches and micro switches are two different items. They do not just function in different ways but can also be found in various appliances and machines.

For more about micro switch and pressure switch,you can pay a visit to china micro switch limit switch manufacturer Unionwell at for more info.

Reference Websites:

The common Type of Switches using for electronic manufacturing

  If you are interested in finding out more about microswitches, you are on the right page. In this article, we are going to take a look int...